Our Newcomer Introductory Month is now finished, but we are always happy to welcome everyone interested in Debating, so just come around for our Tuesday Debates.
The training of the introductory month starts on 15th October 2024. We meet at the Humboldt University, Dorotheenstrasse 24 10117 in room 1.601.. The room is on the sixth floor, but don’t worry, there is an elevator.
Do you enjoy controversial issues? You enjoy exchanging opinions?
We share this joy and live it out every week: Sportingly and fairly according to set rules, in the tradition of student debating. We talk about every important topic from politics and culture. Whether as an after-work hobby or an ambitious competitive sport – we have a good time together.
If you…
- enjoy arguing about current issues in politics, society and culture.
- want to listen to gripping speeches.
- want to learn to perform confidently and speak freely.
- want to argue coherently and be able to convince that way.
- feel like getting to know students from a wide variety of subjects and universities.
…debating at the Berlin Debating Union will enrich your studies!
All beginnings are difficult… but it does not have to be. Therefore, we have designed a program to facilitate the introduction to debating:
On October 18, we will start our introductory phase with a show debate, where everyone can get an idea of what debating is like. If you have a taste for it, you are welcome to try it yourself. Starting on October 15, you will have the opportunity to attend seminars on rhetoric and argumentation every Tuesday and to debate yourself.
The program is of course open to all and free of charge.
The show debate
If you are wondering what debating actually is or want to experience an exciting and fun evening, our show debate is the right place for you!
When and where?
- 15th Oct at 7 pm
- room 1.601, Dorotheenstrasse 24
- Topic: “Should we introduce an inheritance tax of 100% ?”
- Costs: None!
Six speakers – some with a lot of experience, others with less – will debate against each other on the topic. The audience can enjoy the debate with a drink and ask questions about the topic.
No time? Prevented from attending but still interested in debating?
No problem! You can of course still participate in the other dates.
The show debate takes place in German only.
The newcomer introductory month takes place in English as well.
Try out debating
For all those who have acquired a taste for debating, we offer a five-week training. This training starts at 22th October 2024. As for the show debate, we are going to meet in Humboldt University, Dortheenstrasse 24, room 1.601. You have the opportunity to participate in exciting seminars on debating and to gain your first debating experience together with other beginners, accompanied by more experienced mentors.
Workshops and debates:
22 Oct
7 pm – How does a debate work?
8 pm – Debate: This house would introduce a universal basic income.
29 Oct
7 pm – How do I develope an argument?
8 pm – Debate: This house regrets the development of facial recognition systems.
5 Nov
7 pm – How do I find arguments?
8 pm – Debate: This House would legalize all drugs.
12 Nov
7 pm – How do I weigh different arguments ?
8 pm – Debate: Assuming it is possible, this house would give a pill to soldiers that would make them forget what they experienced during war.
19 Nov
7 pm – Review Workshop
8 pm – Debate
Everyone is invited to come! It is recommended to attend all events, as the seminars build on each other. However, if you join us at a later date, you can also participate.
The grand finale of the introductory phase is the Berliner Bärchen tournament on November 23. Here you can apply the skills you have learned directly in an all-day tournament. Afterwards there will be a great party! More information about the tournament will follow during the introductory phase.
If you have any questions, please send an email to presse@debating.de.